
If you would like to submit an application for affiliation, please read the rules below and send your request to with your site's name and url

R u l e s

1. Your site must have content on Rurouni Kenshin, shrines are a plus
2. No plagerism.
3. Site must be neat and well done. I should be able to tell that you put a lot of work into your site from just reading the content.
4. Hentai is unacceptable. My site is visitor friendly and yours should be as well.
5. There should be a link to my site somewhere on your website. The same will be done with yours.
6. It would also be good to keep in touch once in a while, though not really necessary.

You can expect a response back within ten days. If not, you were not accepted. You can always try again once your site has improved.

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